Monday, January 17, 2011

This past week was a whole new routine for us.  Ben has started school once again.  He has a very high expectation to complete his degree this year.  He's taking a full load and even had to get "special permission" from the school to take as many classes as he his.  Because he has straight A's so far from St. Leo, they granted him his request.  So, he is always busy reading, watching or writing these days.  It'll take some getting used to but will be worth it in the end.

Last week Sunday all schools and most businesses announced that they would be closed on Monday.  Atlanta got hit hard but I was expecting to wake up to more than this in the morning.
Because the temperatures were only in the 30's, they even cancelled school for Tuesday for fear of icing.  Monday our internet was out so we decided to go to McDonalds so Ben could "login" to school and the boys could play.  It was great.  Because everyone was too scared to drive, we had what seemed like the whole town to ourselves.  The only other people we ran into were Military people who were from Ohio and Michigan.  We all had our laughs.

It has been colder here than usual and really wet so we've spent a lot of time inside this past week.  The boys found new creative ways to spend their time.  A lot of card games were played.  New puzzles were put together and a lot of coloring was done.  This is what I found Brent up to one afternoon.

The boys received new "Choo Choo Train" pajamas from Grandma G for Christmas.  They love them.  They are very soft and warm.  I think between Ben & I we took 20 pictures of them and these are the only ones that they are both looking in the same direction.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, your boys are looking so grown-up. Hoping your family falls easily into your new routine. Good luck in finishing up Ben!
