Wednesday, February 23, 2011


In thinking about expanding our family, Ben & I came to the conclusion that we needed a bigger vehicle.  We began the search for what would meet our needs and what would last us many years as switching out vehicles every couple of years is no way to save any money.  After much thought and searching we agreed on the Honda Pilot.  Great safety rating, keeps it value and holds 8 passengers.

It is my plan to hit the potty training on both boys hard in a few weeks.  I've been lazy with Brent using all the traveling we had done and his upcoming surgery as an excuse to not wrap it up with him and get him out of pullups all together.  Brody gone both peepee and poopoo on the potty at different times.  Brody often plays with the only doll in the house and tells me she has to go "potty."  This is how I usually find the doll after he tells me that. 

I have no doubts Brody will do great with it along side with Brent.  He always wants to do what his Big Brother is doing!


  1. Now that you have a car to hold us all, we'll have to plan a visit! Congrats on the new car - very nice looking. I wish you well with the potty learning. Won't it be nice to have no more diapers.

  2. Your car looks cute (if a car can look cute). I remember potty training you and Stephanie, it felt like I lived in a kitty litter box. Have fun training 2!! -Love Ma J

  3. Mom doesn't have an account to post comments so she'll send it through my gmail...unless you can give some guidance.
