Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our First Date - Brent & Mommy

Brent & I went to the "Mother and Son Buccaneer Banquet" on post this past Friday night.  I read the invitation at the last minute and realized it said "Formal or Pirate attire required."  I knew what Brent was going to wear, a girlfriend from Ft. Jackson had given us her sons Pirate Halloween Costume last year.  However I had no idea what I was going to wear.  I threw on white capri pants, a black shirt and tied a scarf around my waist and called myself a Pirate.  I had no idea how fancy this event would be or how "formal" it truly was.  Women were dressed in their finest, had their hair done, were wearing jewels and some even had corsages.  The boys were dressed in suits if not in Pirate costumes.  Now I know for next year!
It was a great time and I now have first hand experience with just how social Brent is.  He wanted to dance the night away and longed for a sword of his own to participate in the sword fights with the older boys.  He cried when it was time to leave and kept saying "Momma Dance!" because the music was still playing.
We came home with a picture of us in a bottle, some eye patches and a "loot bag" full of candy.  It was a great night with my little man!

1 comment:

  1. Surly you looked fabulous! Don't you love when you show up under-dressed. Just happened to us at Zac's work Christmas party. We walked in and people were either dressed up or in their ugly sweater for the contest. We were neither. Brent's costume is great. He looks smashing!
