Sunday, March 13, 2011

Catching Up...

We were able to take Brent's bandages off just 6 days after surgery.  We thought he would be anxious about removing them so we had originally planned to take them off while he slept.  However, he asked to take them off that evening.  So we did.  His feet look great!  It took him a couple of days to get his stride back but we say the surgery was a huge success.  We go back in a couple of weeks for the followup.
We decided to make cookies to celebrate being able to take off Brent's Bandages.

We've come up with a reward system to try and help us get Brent potty trained once and for always.  I printed off a train with a train track.  Every time the boys go peepee on the potty, they get a star.  Brody walks around saying "Star" all day long now.  Sometimes they are very interested, others not at all.  They were told that once they fill the sheet, they could have the Thomas the Train puzzle that sits atop the fridge.

 Brent has been seeing a speech Therapist, Miss Jen, for almost 9 months now.  This past week was her last visit.  Now that he is 3, he is eligible to start speech at the Elementary School.  Brent has come to love Miss Jen and has always looked forward to her coming.  She goes to the same church service we attend so he will get to see her every now and then.  She was wonderful.

Brent also started a new "school" twice a week for 3 hours.  He really enjoys it.  The new school is more of a preschool setting where they will learn to write their name among other things.  He had no problems getting dropped off and was happy to see Brody & I when we picked him up.  He had lots to tell us.

It was in the 70's this past weekend so we decided to get some camping in.  The boys were so excited when we brought the Scamp home to load up.  We just went about an hour away to Eufala, AL. 

We stayed in a really nice State Park, along the shoreline of a large lake. The boys were constantly dirty. I ran out of socks for them (I had to keep clean ones on Brent) and they used every pair of pants I brought for them.  There was a really nice playground that the boys enjoyed.  As you can see, Brent has no issues using his feet!

Our campsite was right on the lake.  Ben was able to do a little fishing both mornings and threw in the line a couple of time Saturday night.  The boys really liked it and Brent even mastered casting the bobber into the water.

The boys had plenty to do.  We brought along their wagon and bikes which got plenty of use.  They even had some time to color on the patches of pavement.

Ben and I like to do simple camping.  We ate a gourmet meal of hotdogs roasted on sticks for dinner Friday night and the boys ate PB&J on the remaining buns the next day.  They were happy.

We then decided it was time to go on an afternoon walk.  There was a trail that circled the large campground.  It was nice to get out and walk.  It didn't take long for Brent to fall asleep.

The Walkers decided to join us for the night.  They are on a whole other level of camping.  They brought along their grill and some steaks.  Aunt Carol even baked potatoes in their camper oven.  What a nice treat.  We sat around the fire until we decided to take a walk down the street to listen to a little Bluegrass Festival that was going on.  We listened to a few songs and then headed to bed.  All that fresh air made us all tired.

It was a great weekend.  Hope all is going great with you all.  We have a busy week coming up as Stephanie and her two kiddos are coming to visit for 12 days.  Should be fun!!


  1. So glad that recovery is going so wonderfully for Brent! Looks as though you have had many fun times and changes as of late.

  2. Everyone looks like they're having fun. Glad you got away for the weekend. A little sad to see brent's foot, doesn't look like his foot. It does look good though. Great job with the potty trainin'. Miss the boys SO much.
