Saturday, March 19, 2011


My cousin, Stephanie, and her two kiddos arrived here Wednesday night.  Steph said the flight went well and we knew we were off to a good start when Elsa and Brent didn't fight that they were sitting next to each other in the car like they did last visit.  However, Tred was the victim of Brent's flying sippie cup in the car and ended up with a swollen eye.  Once we got back to the house from Atlanta, the older kids decided they needed a snack.

The next morning we got up and got ready to take a drive around post.  Tred took to Uncle Ben right away.
Friday we decided to go to the swimming pool here on post because to Elsa, vacation just isn't vacation unless you go swimming in a pool.

Tred missed all the swimming even though he was dressed in his swimsuit.

Tred loves the stairs in our house.  Steph went upstairs to dress Elsa.  I was doing laundry and Ben was busy with Brent and Brody.  That meant that noone was there to witness Tred falling down the stairs.  We have no idea how high up he got but we knew when he got to the bottom.  He now has a matching swollen eye to the one he got on Wednesday night in the car.  Poor baby.  But in true BOY style, he was over it within a few minutes of nursing on his momma.
It's been in the 80's since the Witkiewicz's got here.  We've been outside a lot.  Elsa's usually the first to ask to go out.

And Tred just hangs out inside...
It's been a great visit so far.  We have a lot planned over the next week so hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the posts and pictures.

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