Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Getting Around

This past week we've tried to continue with our normal routine as much as possible.  Brent has been doing so well during recovery from his surgery but he still hasn't walked.  Bandages come off tomorrow so maybe that will make a difference to him.  He's off the pain medicine and only complains every once in awhile when he hits his foot against something or if Brody steps or sits on them. 

We received "A Deluxe Fort Kit" from the Hess' (Zac, Emmy, Piper & Calder) for Brent's 3rd Birthday.  We put it to use over the weekend and turned our front room into a huge fort.  The boys had a great time, including Ben.  Ben kept having memories of when he was a kid and created forts.  We loved the way Emmy made the sheets with loops and ties.  It made it possible to build the fort so many different ways.

Ben's been trying to get Brent to walk since Saturday.  Or at least stand.  Brent's gotten very good at holding his legs up off the ground.  He did finally take a few steps this afternoon while holding onto Ben's hand.

It's been nice the past few days so we've been outside as much as we can be.  Brent figured out how to play Basketball without standing all on his own.  Brody was his personal ball retriever.  They both seemed to enjoy it.

We decided to squeeze a bike ride in this afternoon.  We found a nice shortcut to the other side of post without all the traffic.  Both boys ended up falling asleep.

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