Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day #3 - Not productive . . .

Day #3 brought a busy day in which nothing in particular was done. We all had a good nights rest but Brent woke up with a nasty cough. I called to see if we could get in at the doctors. We ate breakfast, got dressed and got out the door to make our appointment. With the rush of getting out the door, I did not bring along my camera today to capture our moments.

Our moments today?

Brent has yet another ear infection in his right ear (he's only been off of antibiotics for 6 days!) and a possible chest infection. He started another round of meds today and has strict orders to keep on coughing to get that stuff out of his chest.

We then hit the road with the help of Aunt Carol to go pick up Ben's truck in Newnan, GA. Our friend Jessica had used it to get back towards Atlanta yesterday to make her "crack of dawn" flight back to Hawaii. We met Aunt Carol's long time friend, Joyce, at the Cracker Barrel for lunch. This is where the day got exciting. . . I did not order the Chicken 'n Dumplings as usual. I ordered the Haddock and it was delicious!! Brody loved the carrots and Brent liked the biscuits.

We stopped at the Walkers on the way home to visit and eat some dinner that Aunt Carol's mom had made. A nice roast, green beans and potato things they call "dolphins." Brent was too busy feeding their dog, Lacy, to even bother with much dinner. Brody ate left overs from lunch today. We didn't stay long because I only had one diaper left. It was Brent's size so I knew it would work for both boys. Turned out that the 10 minutes that Brent was playing really nice by himself in the living room deemed him the winner of the diaper.

Came on home and played in the backyard for just a few minutes. I managed to rake enough to not only get a blister on my thumb but tear it open too. Brent decided to get into the pool with his clothes on and Brody ate some grass. It was indeed time for a bath!

The boys soaked for awhile before I got them out to webcam with MaJ. She was able to witness Brody fight for his right to play with his favorite toy (the ball blower that Aunt Jen bought him for Christmas) and Brent gave a tour to her of the playroom using the phone. Because of all the webcamming we've been doing lately, he thinks that you can see whatever it is he shows you with the phone. So sweet.

After numerous books and lots of hugs, both boys finally fell asleep.

Tomorrow brings no plans but to relax and spend time together. With my camera in hand, hopefully I can capture our day in color.

Good Night Y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Awe sleeping kids/babies are always the cutest! In fact I wish mine was sleeping right now instead of in bed reading books to herself.
