Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day #6 - Out & About . . .

Seems we've been living life like we are on a vacation. With Aunt Carol as my partner for the weekend, we decided to do something out of Columbus. We drove up to the Georgia Renaissance Festival in Fairburn. Chelsea joined us for the drive and Chucky & his girlfriend, Heather, met us there.
Brent & I went to the the Faire in Bristol, WI just 2 summers ago and this was much of the same thing. The Walkers had never been to one before so it was fun to walk around and take it all in with them. Between all of us there were Beef Sticks, Monkey Tails, Chocolate Covered Strawberries, a Porkchop on a stick, Potato Skins & Cheese Sticks eaten. We took in a comedy show of Acrobats and then headed back to Columbus because Chelsea had a date with her boyfriend to go see a movie that she had to get back for. I hope to go again next spring with Ben and the boys and spend a little more time there.

The boys were very good today. Here is a picture of Brent sharing his drink with Brody. While there are moments that Brent is mean to Brody, for the most part, he is always concerned for him. Always making sure he's coming along with us. Always making sure he gets a bite or a drink. I hope it forever stays that way.

We met up with Chelsea & Brandon after their date at a movie for dinner at a local restaurant, BMerrells. Brent helped Brandon color a bit while we waited to eat. Aunt Carol took this picture on her phone.

The boys and I then finally made our way back home. We stopped to fill up with gas and when we pulled into our driveway, Brent did his usual "There it is!". Unpacked the car and put the boys into the tub for a much needed bath. They didn't get the chance to play very long because it was already late and past their bedtimes. Read 2 new "Toy Story" books to them and they were on their way to sleeping. They've been so easy the past 3 nights to put to bed. Could I really have done it?? Can it be like this every evening?? I sure hope the streak continues!!

I then headed downstairs to begin my nightly ritual for bottle cleaning, diaper bag refilling and picking up whatever needs to be put away. I noticed there were messages on the phone so I listened and found that there was a "gift" left on my front porch. At 10:00 at night I opened my front door to find a surprise Mother's Day gift from my loving husband! What a great way to end my day. I have it sitting on the kitchen counter so it greets me first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks Ben for taking the time to send me something while you are busy taking care of business so far from home. I love you & miss you so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Ben is so sweet. I almost started crying just reading about your flowers.
